miercuri, 31 martie 2010

STEP 1 - How to register domain for your website

I preferred a blog format, because is more easy to manage it. You can find some free blog platforms as Blogspot or Wordpress , but if you want to be more ,,complex'' and offer a more clear and professional overview, you can buy for few bucks a website domain , with the name you wish, and usually they came with some very nice offers for designing your website. I found this company, where you can purchase the domain.

After, you can start without any restrictions creation your own place. Next post, I will show you a nice tutorial how to design your site.

Let's say you have selected the domain for your website, and now you want to sell games for consoles and PC. Search the market (you can do this using a FREE searching engine ex: Google, Yahoo) and check if there are many online business in your field. If you find between 3-5 sites based on the same idea is worth trying, there is room for another one. If you find over 5 sites with the same idea, I would changed the profile. Any idea you have, it all for advertising... the more sales you have, the better. If you do not have a clue of what you could sell, you can
start sort things you use every day. For sure you will find an idea ! Now everything is planned, marketing research is done, the website under construction.

First time it may seems difficult, but you only need patience and power to learn. When you don't know something you just need to use a search engine and you'll get the information you need, mostly free, but even if you have to pay to learn something, costs are very low.

If you have any questions for me, i will answer as soon as possible. SUCCESS !

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